“God is too wise to make a mistake,

too loving to be unkind

and too soverign to lose control.”

Garth & Veronica Rowe

Garth & Veronica Rowe

Senior Pastors

Veronica and I consider it a tremendous honour to be given the awesome opportunity to lead this dynamic and passionate group at Solid Rock Christian Assembly (SRCA). We are excited about the opportunity God has granted us to minister to our community. Approximately 2000 years ago, Paul, one of the authors of the Bible wrote: “I am not ashamed of the gospel (good news) of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation to everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16, NKJV). He is essentially asserting that the message of Jesus possesses the distinctive ability to positively and powerfully transform those who put their trust in Him. The political, social and economic instabilities locally and globally have only intensified our mistrust in some of our once revered institutions. More and more, people are starting to look for answers beyond the status quo in their quest to fill the void of dissatisfaction in their hearts. If you are a seeker, I have good news; Jesus is the answer! He is the only one that can fill the inner emptiness, and provide eternal life. Only Jesus can give you the power to overcome sin and live a purposeful life. Thank you for visiting this website; please feel free to contact us via email or phone. Alternately, I would like to invite you to come and fellowship with us. At the core of SRCA, is a warm and friendly group of people who are waiting to demonstrate God’s love to you.

Leighton and Audrene Brown

Leighton and Audrene Brown

Executive Pastors

Leighton Brown is a diligent leader and an accomplished musician. He has had a number of leadership roles in ministry as well as in other para church organizations. He is a logical and insightful individual, who desires to see Solid Rock discern God’s agenda for this time in history and that the church will fully embrace and diligently seek to accomplish it. As for Audrene Kerr-Brown, she is a thoroughly gifted individual. Be it music, teaching or leadership related activities, she is able to significantly contribute to the kingdom. She is also professor of psychology and criminology. In combination, this dynamic pastoral couple is able to powerfully and positively impact the lives of the people of Solid Rock and by extension, anyone who crosses their path.


The Year of V I S I O N

Reaching our community and beyond